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The next diagram for this trial shows the 4 epochs of the trial, indicates the 3 arms, and shows the sequence of elements for each group of subjects in each epoch. The arrows are at the right side of the diagram because it is at the end of the trial that all the separate paths through the trial can be seen. Note that, in this diagram, randomization—which was shown using 3 red arrows connecting the Run-in block with the 3 treatment product exposure blocks in the first diagram—is indicated by a note with an arrow pointing to the line between 2 epochs.
The next diagram shows the trial from the viewpoint of blinded participants. To blinded participants in this trial, all arms look alike. They know when a subject is in the screen element or the run-in element, but when a subject is in the treatment product exposure epoch, participants know only that the subject is receiving a study product, not which study product, and therefore not which element.