Versions Compared


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At the top level of Dataset-JSON object, there are technical attributes and two main optional attributes: clinicalData and referenceData, corresponding to Dataset-XML elements. At least 1 of the main attributes must be provided. Subject data is stored in clinicalData and non-subject data is stored in referenceData.

AttributeUsageDescriptionAttribute order
fileOIDRequiredA unique identifier for this file.0
creationDateTimeRequiredTime of creation of the file containing the document.1
asOfDateTimeRequiredThe date/time at which the source database was queried in order to create this document.2
originatorOptionalThe organization that generated the ODM file.3
sourceSystemOptionalThe computer system or database management system that is the source of the information in this file.4
sourceSystemVersionOptionalThe version of the "SourceSystem" above.5
datasetJSONVersionRequiredVersion of Dataset-JSON standard6
clinicalDataRequiredSee ODM definition for study OID (STUDYOID).7
referenceDataRequiredSee ODM definition for metadata version OID (METADATAVERSIONOID).8
Code Block
    "fileOID": "",
    "creationDateTime": "2023-03-22T11:53:27",
    "asOfDateTime": "2023-02-15T10:23:15",
    "originator": "Sponsor XYZ",
    "sourceSystem": "Software ABC",
    "sourceSystemVersion": "1.0.0",
    "datasetJSONVersion": "",
    "clinicalData": { ... },
    "referenceData": { ... }

ClinicalData and ReferenceData Attributes

Both clinicalData and referenceData have the same structure. Each of these attributes contains study and metadata OIDs as well as an object describing an item group (dataset). The following attributes are defined on this level

AttributeRequirementDescriptionAttribute order
studyOIDRequiredSee ODM definition for study OID (STUDYOID).0
metaDataVersionOIDRequiredSee ODM definition for metadata version OID (METADATAVERSIONOID).1
itemGroupDataRequiredObject containing dataset information2

Values of the studyOID and metaDataVersionOID must match corresponding values in the Define-XML file.
