When an entire examination (e.g., Laboratory Test Results (LB)), a group of tests (e.g., hematology or urinalysis), or an individual test (e.g., glucose) is not done for a subject or pool, USUBJID, POOLID, or and this information is explicitly captured with or without the reason for not collecting the information, record(s) can be created in the dataset to represent these data.
In such cases, applicants may include:
- Individual records for each test not done for each subject or pool; or
- One record for each subject or pool for a group of tests that were not done. In such cases:
- The paired values of --TESTCD and --TEST will represent a general description of testing in scope for the domain and will be used for all groupings of not done tests within the domain.
- --TESTCD will be the domain code concatenated with the word "ALL"; e.g., LBTESTCD = LBALL.
- --TEST will be a 40 character or less descriptor for data in scope for the domain; e.g., LBTEST = Laboratory Data.the domain description per controlled terminology.
- --CAT will represent the group of tests not done tests; e.g., LBCAT = URINALYSIS.
- --ORRES will be null.
- --STAT will be "NOT DONE; e.g., LBSTAT = NOT DONE".
- --REASND will be the reason the group of tests was not done when , if collected; e.g., LBREASND = no urine sample present..
For example, if a group of hematology or urinalysis tests represented in the LB domain are not done, then:
LBALL | Laboratory Test Results | HEMATOLOGY |
LBALL | Laboratory Test Results | URINALYSIS |