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This example shows palpable masses captured in the collection system with length, width, and ulceration captured.
Dataset wrap
Rows 1-6:Reflect the findings for the first mass of subject 13456-01, observed on the left hind limb. Rows 1-3 list the findings collected on day 14, and rows 4-6 list the findings for a re-evaluation on day 21 for the same mass.
Rows 7-9:Reflect the findings for a second mass of subject 13456-01, observed on the right shoulder. The mass disappeared between the time of original finding and the re-evaluation, so there are no new findings recorded.
Rows 10-15:Reflect the findings for the first mass of subject 13456-02, observed on the left axillary region.
Rows 16-21:Reflect the findings for the first mass of subject 13456-03, observed on the lower abdomen. At the time of the re-evaluation, the mass could not be measured.
113456PM13456-0123MASS 1LENGTHLength2.0mm2.02mm

LEFT HIND LIMB2006-10-07T15:44:421414
213456PM13456-0124MASS 1WIDTHWidth1.8mm1.81.8mm

LEFT HIND LIMB2006-10-07T15:44:421414
313456PM13456-0125MASS 1ULCERUlcerationNON-ULCERATED

LEFT HIND LIMB2006-10-07T15:44:421414
413456PM13456-01110MASS 1LENGTHLength2.4mm2.42.4mm

LEFT HIND LIMB2006-10-14T11:53:012121
513456PM13456-01111MASS 1WIDTHWidth2.2mm2.22.2mm

LEFT HIND LIMB2006-10-14T11:53:012121
613456PM13456-01112MASS 1ULCERUlcerationULCERATED

LEFT HIND LIMB2006-10-14T11:53:012121
713456PM13456-0126MASS 2LENGTHLength1.7mm1.71.7mm

RIGHT SHOULDER2006-10-07T15:51:081414
813456PM13456-0127MASS 2WIDTHWidth1.6mm1.61.6mm

RIGHT SHOULDER2006-10-07T15:51:081414
913456PM13456-0128MASS 2ULCERUlcerationNON-ULCERATED

RIGHT SHOULDER2006-10-07T15:51:081414
1013456PM13456-0229MASS 1LENGTHLength4.7mm4.74.7mm

LEFT AXILLARY REGION2006-10-07T16:02:371414
1113456PM13456-0230MASS 1WIDTHWidth4.3mm4.34.3mm

LEFT AXILLARY REGION2006-10-07T16:02:371414
1213456PM13456-0231MASS 1ULCERUlcerationULCERATED

LEFT AXILLARY REGION2006-10-07T16:02:371414
1313456PM13456-02113MASS 1LENGTHLength4.4mm4.44.4mm

LEFT AXILLARY REGION2006-10-15T08:12:202222
1413456PM13456-02114MASS 1WIDTHWidth4.1mm4.14.1mm

LEFT AXILLARY REGION2006-10-15T08:12:202222
1513456PM13456-02115MASS 1ULCERUlcerationNON-ULCERATED

LEFT AXILLARY REGION2006-10-15T08:12:202222
1613456PM13456-0348MASS 1LENGTHLength5.5mm5.55.5mm

LOWER ABDOMEN2006-10-07T10:51:001414
1713456PM13456-0349MASS 1WIDTHWidth1.9mm1.91.9mm

LOWER ABDOMEN2006-10-07T10:51:001414
1813456PM13456-0350MASS 1ULCERUlcerationULCERATED

LOWER ABDOMEN2006-10-07T10:51:001414
1913456PM13456-03132MASS 1LENGTHLength

NOT DONEMeasurement impossible due to excessive ulceration of massLOWER ABDOMEN2006-10-14T07:43:592121
2013456PM13456-03133MASS 1WIDTHWidth

NOT DONEMeasurement impossible due to excessive ulceration of massLOWER ABDOMEN2006-10-14T07:43:592121
2113456PM13456-03134MASS 1ULCERUlcerationULCERATED

LOWER ABDOMEN2006-10-14T07:43:592121