Page History
ADaM | CDISC Analysis Dataset Model |
ADSL | (ADaM) Subject-level Analysis Dataset |
Applicant | An individual, company, institution, or organization that takes responsibility for a submission of a tobacco product study data to a regulatory authority, such as FDA-CTP |
ATC | Anatomic Therapeutic Chemical (code; WHO) |
CDASH | Clinical Data Acquisition Standards Harmonization Model |
CDISC | Clinical Data Interchange Standards Consortium |
Clinical Trial | A scientific experiment involving human subjects, intended to address certain scientific questions (i.e., the objectives of the trial). |
Conformance | Refers to whether implementation of standards per this guide meets the requirements of the standards. |
CRF | Case report form (sometimes case record form). In this guide, CRF refers to both paper CRFs and electronic CRFs (eCRFs) unless otherwise specified. |
CTCAE | Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events |
Dataset | A collection of structured data in a single file |
Data Collection Field(s) | Data elements that are commonly on a CRF. |
Data Collection Variable(s) | Data elements stored in an electronic data capture (EDC) system. |
Define-XML | CDISC standard for transmitting metadata that describes any tabular dataset structure. |
Domain | A collection of logically related observations with a common, specific topic. The logic of the relationship may pertain to the scientific subject matter of the data or its role in a study or trial. |
EDC | |
eDT | Electronic data transfer |
FDA-CTP | (US) Food and Drug Administration Center for Tobacco Products |
General Observation Class | In the context of the Study Data Tabulation Model (SDTM), a higher level categorization of the subject-level observation domains. See also domain, event, intervention, finding. Compare with special purpose domain. also add other datasets/models from SDTM to glossary |
HPHC | Harmful and Potentially Harmful Constituents |
General Observation Class | A higher level categorization of the subject-level observation domains defined and used to group domains in the SDTM. |
ISO | International Organization for Standardization |
ISO 8601 | ISO character representation of dates, date/times, intervals, and durations of time. The SDTM uses the extended format. |
ISO 3166 | ISO codelist for representing countries; the Alpha-3 codelist uses 3-character codes. |
Mechanisms for Data Collection | Different approaches used to control how data are collected (e.g., on a CRF) including tick boxes, checkboxes, radio buttons, and drop-down lists. |
MedDRA | Medical Dictionary for Regulatory Activities |
Nonclinical Study | A scientific experiment, typically involving animal subjects, which is intended to address certain scientific questions that are the objectives of the study. |
NSV | Nonstandard Variable; in the context of standards for tabulation, a nonstandard variable is a variable which is not defined in the SDTM |
Null | In the context of populating a value in a variable, null indicates no value will be populated. |
Observation | An observation refers to a discrete piece of information collected during a study, e.g., a vital sign measured (observed) for a specific subject at a specific time as part of a study. |
Parent Dataset | |
QRS | Questionnaires, Ratings, and Scales |
SAP | Statistical analysis plan |
SDTM | Study Data Tabulation Model |
SEND | Standard for Exchange of Non-Clinical Data |
SNOMED | Systematized Nomenclature of Medicine (a dictionary) |
SOC | System Organ Class |
Subject | Refers both to a person who participates in a study or trial or an animal in the context of an in vivo study |
TDM | Trial Design Model |
TIG | Tobacco Implementation Guide |
WHODRUG | World Health Organization Drug Dictionary |
XML | eXtensible Markup Language |
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