Versions Compared


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  1.  IN is a special purpose domain for listing the non-tobacco ingredients (only) for a tobacco product.


  1. Tobacco ingredients, such as


  1. individual tobacco varieties would not be represented in this domain (see


  1. IT domain specification and assumptions for more information on


  1. tobacco ingredients).
  2. IN is one of two domains that serve as the origin of the consistent identifier variable IGDCMPID (Ingredient or Component Identifier).
    1. IGDCMPID must represent a unique non-tobacco ingredient with regard to the attributes listed in


    1. assumption 3 below. If two or more sources of the same


    1. non-tobacco ingredient differ on any of these attributes, they must each be assigned a different value for INGCMPID (e.g.,


    1. 1,3-Butanediol A, 1,3-Butanediol B)
    2. IGDCMPID is used with the same values in the IQ domain where the ingredients identified by those values are quantified by component (See IQ domain specification and assumptions for more information).
  1. Additionally, IN contains variables for representing the following attributes:
    1. 1
    2. 2
    3. so on
  2.  At least one of the variables IUPAC or CASNO must be populated.
    1. If an IUPAC name is not available, CASNO should be populated.
    2. The preferred IUPAC name should be used, if available
    3. If both are available, both should be populated.