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This is an example showing trial design and results from the in vitro bacterial reverse mutation test of an example study, Study #8325064. The This bacterial reverse mutation test uses four different amino acid-requiring strains of Salmonella typhimurium (S. typhimurium) and one strain of Escherichia coli (E. coli) to detect point mutations, which involve substitution, addition or deletion of one or a few DNA base pairs. The principle of this bacterial reverse mutation test is that it detects chemicals that induce mutations which revert mutations present in the S typhimurium and E. coli tester strains and restore the functional capability of the bacteria to synthesize an essential amino acid. The revertant bacteria are detected by their ability to grow in the absence of the amino acid required by the parent tester strain.
A simplified image of the test procedure is shown below:
Assumption: When the experimental unit is derived from the species and strain, such as a cell line, then TESTSYS should be supplied.
This example trial set dataset, tx.xpt, shows information about the test conditions for SetA and SetR in this example study. For brevity, this does not show information for SetF, SetG, or any other sets. A fully formed tx.xpt for this example study would include information about the test conditions for all sets.