Versions Compared


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For data collection using CRFs, conformance to standards is minimally assessed by confirming adherence to the following requirements. Please refer to Section x.x, Standards for Collection for implementation guidance.

1TIG Core designations are followed.
  • All HR (Highly Recommended) and applicable R/C (Recommended/Conditional data collection ) fields are present in the CRF and/or operational database. 
2CDISC Controlled Terminology is used when requiredas specified.
  • Specified controlled terminology must be used to collect the data in the CRF. All codelists displayed in the CRF must use or directly map to the current published controlled terminology submission values, when it is available. Subsets of published CT, such as those provided in CDASH terminology, can be used.
3Best practices for CRF design are followed. 
4The wording of CRF questions is standardized. 
  • Specified Question Text or Prompts must be used to ask the question per associated guidance.
5Variable naming conventions are used in the operational database. 
  • Variable naming conventions should be included in the operational database as specified in this guide.

Data output by the operational database into a tabulation dataset variable should requires no additional processing if the CDASH and SDTM variable names are the same. 

  1. An SDTM data programmer should be able to assume that data in an SDTMIG variable is SDTMIG-compliant. Minimal processing (e.g., changing case) does not affect conformance. This helps to ensure a quality deliverable, even if the programmer is unfamiliar with data capture practices.
7Validated questionnaires, ratings, or scales present the questions and reply choices as validated. 
  1. his must be followed to maintain the validity of a validated instrument. (See Section 8.3.12, QRS - Questionnaires, Ratings, and Scales).
    1. In some cases, this may result in CRFs that do not conform to CDASH best practices; however, restructuring these questionnaires should not be done because it could invalidate them.
    2. The use of such questionnaires in their native format should not be considered to affect conformance to CDASH.
