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Hierarchy of Grouping Variables







How Grouping Variables Group Data


Grouping of RecordsVariable(s)Purpose of Grouping
By Study


  • All records with the same


  • STUDYID value are a group of records that describe that


  • study.


By Domain


  • All records with the same


  • DOMAIN value are a group of records that describe that


  • domain.
Across Subjects

--CAT and --SCAT

  • --CAT and --SCAT values subset groups of tests within a domain and apply to all subjects within the domain. Generally, --CAT/--SCAT values have meaning within a particular domain and apply to all subjects within that domain. For example, a lab record with LBTEST = "SODIUM" might have LBCAT = "CHEMISTRY" and LBSCAT = "ELECTROLYTES". 
By Subject


  • All records with the same


  • USUBJID value are a group of records that describe that subject.
For Subjects


How Grouping Variables Group Data

  1. For the subject
  2. Across subjects (records with different USUBJID values) domain.
  3. --CAT and --SCAT values further subset groups of tests within a domain and are not redundant with the domain or dictionary classification provided by --DECOD and --BODSYS. Generally, --CAT/--SCAT values have meaning within a particular domain and apply to all subjects within that domain. For example, a lab record with LBTEST = "SODIUM" might have LBCAT = "CHEMISTRY" and LBSCAT = "ELECTROLYTES". 
    1. --GRPID values further group (subset) records within USUBJID. Unlike --CAT and --SCAT, --GRPID values are not intended to have any meaning across subjects and they are usually assigned during or after data collection.
    2. Although --SPID and --REFID are identifier variables, these are usually not considered to be grouping variables, although they may have meaning across domains.
