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keysCDISC Notes;Core
ClassSpecial Purpose
Variable NameVariable LabelTypeControlled Terms, Codelist or Format1RoleCDISC NotesCore
STUDYIDStudy IdentifierChar
IdentifierUnique identifier for a study.Req
DOMAINDomain AbbreviationCharIQIdentifierTwo-character abbreviation for the domain.Req
SPTOBIDSponsor-Defined Tobacco Product IDChar
IdentifierIdentifier used to uniquely identify a tobacco product across all studies for all applications/submissions involving the product. In product description studies (i.e., where there are no human subjects) it is the top-level identifier.Req
IGDCMPIDIngredient or Component IdentifierChar

Identifier given to an ingredient, substance or component of a tobacco product represented in SPTOBID. In


IQ, it must


match a value of IDGCMPID in either the IT dataset (if the ingredient is a tobacco ingredient) or IN (if the ingredient is a non-tobacco ingredient

of the product represented in SPTOBID


(e.g., "Burley Tobacco", "Propylene Glycol", "Cocoa Extract", "Cellulose Pulp").

INCATIQIGDPLXCategory of Tobacco Ingredient ComplexityCharSINGLE INGREDIENT, COMPLEX INGREDIENT(IGDCMPLX)Grouping QualifierUsed to denote whether a tobacco ingredient is a single or complex ingredient (e.g., "SINGLE INGREDIENT", "COMPLEX INGREDIENT")Exp

Parent of Ingredient or Component

Record QualifierIdentifies the parent of which the ingredient or component represented in IGDCMPID is a constituent. (i.e, IGDCMPID is a child of the ingredient shown in IQPARENT). IQPARENT must equal a value of INGCMPID ofIGDCMPID from another record in the same dataset. If the ingredient is at the top level (i.e., it has no parent other than the tobacco product itself), IQPARENT will be null and IQLEVEL will be set to 1. (See IQLEVEL, below).Perm

Ingredient Level in Hierarchy

Record QualifierIdentifies the generation number An integer that identifies the level of the ingredient or constituent sample is considered the first generationwithin the hierarchy. The value of IQLEVEL will be n+1, where n is the IQLEVEL of the parent ingredient. IQLEVEL will be set to 1 If the ingredient is at the top level (i.e., if the ingredient has no parent ingredient/component other than the tobacco product itself).


Record QualifierThe purity of the ingredient represented in INGCMPID IGDCMPID (e.g., "99%", ">99%").
IQVALTRGDesign Parameter Element Target ValueChar*Result QualifierTarget value, according to the manufacturer's design specifications, for the parameter in IQPARMCD/IQPARM for the product identified by SPTOBID.Req

Design Parameter Element Minimum Value

Result QualifierMinimum allowable value, according to the manufacturer's design specifications, for the parameter in IQPARMCD/IQPARM for the product identified by SPTOBID.Exp

Design Parameter Element Maximum Value

Result QualifierMaximum allowable value, according to the manufacturer's design specifications, for the parameter in IQPARMCD/IQPARM for the product identified by SPTOBID.Exp
IQVALUDesign Parameter Element Value UnitChar(UNIT)Result QualifierThe single unit for the values in IQVALTRG, IQVALMIN and IQVALMAX. Will be blank for unitless parameters (e.g., "Number of Heating Elements"). Must be used where applicable (e.g., "Circumference").Perm

1In this column, an asterisk (*) indicates that the variable may be subject to controlled terminology. CDISC/NCI codelist values are enclosed in parentheses.