Variable Name | Variable Label | Type | Controlled Terms, Codelist or Format1 | Role | CDISC Notes | Core |
STUDYID | Study Identifier | Char |
| Identifier | Unique identifier for a study. | Req |
DOMAIN | Domain Abbreviation | Char | IN | Identifier | Two-character abbreviation for the domain. | Req |
SPTOBID | Sponsor-Defined Tobacco Product ID | Char |
| Identifier | Identifier used to uniquely identify a tobacco product across all studies for all applications/submissions involving the product. In product description studies (i.e., where there are no human subjects) it is the top-level identifier. | Req |
INGCMPIDIGDCMPID | Ingredient or Component Identifier | Char |
| Identifier | Identifier given to an ingredient, substance or component of a tobacco product. In IN, it must be a non-tobacco ingredient of the product represented in SPTOBID (e.g., "Cocoa Extract", "Cellulose Pulp"). | Req |
INMANUF | Manufacturer Name | Char |
| Identifier | The name of the manufacturer of a complex ingredient/component represented in INGCMPIDIGDCMPID. Does not need to be populated for single ingredients. | Perm |
INMANUFN | Manufacturer Registration Number | Char |
| Identifier | The registration number of the manufacturer of a complex ingredient/component represented in INGCMPIDIGDCMPID. Does not need to be populated for single ingredients. | Perm |
TPMF | Tobacco Product Master File Number | Char |
| Identifier | The Tobacco Product Master File number for the ingredient/component represented in INGCMPIDIGDCMPID, if applicable. | Perm |
IUPACNAM | IUPAC Name | Char | IUPAC | Identifier | The preferred International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) name of the ingredient represented in INGCMPIDIGDCMPID, if applicable. | Exp |
CASNO | CAS Registry Number | Char | CAS | Identifier | The Chemical Abstract Service (CAS) registry number for the ingredient represented in INGCMPIDIGDCMPID, if applicable. | Exp |
INIGDPLX | Ingredient Complexity | Char | (IGDCMPLX) | Grouping Qualifier | Used to denote whether a tobacco ingredient is a single or complex ingredient (e.g., "SINGLE INGREDIENT", "COMPLEX INGREDIENT") | Exp |
INCIGIND | Applicant-Customized Ingredient Indic | Char | (NY) | Record Qualifier | Used to indicate whether a complex tobacco ingredient was made to the applicant's specification. Expected to be populated where INIGDPLX = COMPLEX INGREDIENT. Values restricted to "Y" or "N". | Perm |
INGRADE | Grade | Char |
| Record Qualifier | The grade of the ingredient represented in INGCMPID IGDCMPID (e.g., "FOOD") |
INPURITY | Purity | Char |
| Record Qualifier | The purity of the ingredient represented in INGCMPID IGDCMPID (e.g., "99%", ">99%"). |