Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.
titleInstructions on how to use this template
  1. Replace royal blue text with information pertaining to the instrument the supplement is being created for. Delete royal blue text which does not apply to the new instrument.
  2. Unless otherwise noted, text in black applies to all QRS Supplements and should not be deleted
  3. Remove all information blocks, except for the one immediately below this called 'Information for Reviewers'.
  4. Keep changes in blue for ease throughout internal and public review. Once the supplement has gone thru public review and all comments are resolved, change all text color to black except for hyperlinks.
  5. Arabic numerals (0, 1, 2, 3, etc.)are used to express numbers in most circumstances. Exceptions are the following: 
    • Numbers that begin a sentence, title, subtitle, or heading 
    • Common fractions 

    • Accepted usage such as idiomatic expressions and numbers used as pronouns 

    • Other uses of “one” in running text (e.g., when meaning "a")
    • Ordinals first through ninth
    • Numbers spelled out in quotes or published titles.
    ******ITEMS IN RED: Needs to be discussed with Steve/Dana.*******
