Versions Compared


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Dataset-JSON was adapted from the Dataset-XML Version 1.0 specification, but uses JSON format. Like Dataset-XML, each Dataset-JSON file is connected with a Define-XML file , containing detailed information about the metadata. One aim of Dataset-JSON is to address as many of the relevant requirements in the PHUSE 2017 Transport for the Next Generation paper as possible, including the efficient use of storage space.


At the top level of Dataset-JSON object, there are two 2 optional attributes: clinicalData , and referenceData, corresponding to Dataset-XML elements. At least one 1 of the attribute attributes must be provided. Subject data is stored in clinicalData and non-subject data is stored in referenceData.

Code Block
    "clinicalData": { ... },
    "referenceData": { ... }

Both clinicalData and referenceData have the same structure. Each of these attributes contains study and metadata OIDs as well as an object describing one 1 or more item groups (datasets). Values of the studyOID and metaDataVersionOID must match corresponding values in the Define-XML file.

Code Block
    "clinicalData": {
        "studyOID": "xxx",
        "metaDataVersionOID": "xxx",
        "itemGroupData": { ... }

ItemGroupData attribute

itemGroupData is an object with attributes corresponding to individual datasets. The attribute name is OID of a described dataset, which must be the same as OID of the corresponding itemGroup in the Define-XML file.


  • OID - OID of a variable (must correspond to the variable OID in the Define-XML file)
  • name - variable name
  • label - variable description
  • type - type of the variable. One of '"string'", '"integer'", '"decimal'", '"float'", 'double', 'boolean'. See ODM types for details.
  • length - variable length
