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This is an example CRF used to collect information on prior use of smoking cessation products. The specific type of non-pharmaceutical smoking cessation product was not of interest. The reason why a product was discontinued and any use in the last 14 days was of interest. .    

OrderCDASH VariableQuestion TextPromptCRF Completion InstructionsTypeSDTMIG TargetSDTMIG Target MappingControlled Terminology Code List NamePermissible ValuesPre-Populated ValueQuery DisplayList StyleHidden
1CMYNWere any smoking cessation products  taken?Any Smoking Cessation Products  Indicate if the subject took any smoking cessation products  If Yes, include the appropriate details where indicated on the CRF.TextN/A
(NY)Yes; No

For each product previously taken record the appropriate details below.


OrderCDASH VariableQuestion TextPromptCRF Completion InstructionsTypeSDTMIG TargetSDTMIG Target MappingControlled Terminology Code List NamePermissible ValuesPre-Populated ValueQuery DisplayList StyleHidden
1CMCATWhat is the category for the medication?Concomitant Medication CategoryRecord the medication category, if not pre-printed on the CRF.TextCMCAT


2CMTRTWhat was the Smoking Cessation medication?Smoking Cessation Product  Indicate the type of  smoking cessation products  previously used.  For each product type previously used complete a new line. TextCMTRT

Nicotine Patches; Nicotine Gum;  Nicotine Lozenge; Nicotine Inhaler; Chantix; Zyban ; Other

3CMTRTOTWhat was the name of the other smoking cessation product used? Smoking Cessation Product  OtherIndicate the Other type of  smoking cessation products  previously used. TextCMTRT

4CMCRSDISWas the  smoking cessation products discontinued due to a  adverse event ?   Reason Smoking Cessation Product DiscontinuedIndicate if the smoking cessation product was discontinued due to a Adverse EventTextCMRSDISCIf Yes then CMRSDISC = "ADVERSE EVENT"(NY)Yes; No

5CMENDTCWas the product used in the last 14 days?


Yes, No

Thsi is the SDTM date for the date collected above.  

Dataset wrap
Rows 1,4-6 :The subject  reported that they had not previously used the specified smoking cessation product. 
Row 3:  The subject reported  the previous use of a nicotine lozenge at Visit 1, which occurred on 2020-02-15.  This usage was ended 14 prior to the date of collection. CMENTPT represented the date 14 days prior to the visit 1 date, in this case i2020-02-12.  CMENRTPT indicates the usage ended prior to the date in CMENTPT. .  
Row 4The subject reported using Nicotine Gum. This gum was used within 14 days of the date of collection.  Since, the last date of use is not known  CMENDTC  describe the beginning and the end of the interval of uncertainty. The dates are separate them with a solidus, as shown in the following table.   


2ABCCMABC-00012NICOTINE GUMY2020-02-15 2020-02-02/2003-02-15

4ABCCMABC-00014NICOTINE INHALERN2020-02-152004-01-07

