This is an example showing trial design and results data of Study #8325064 for the determination of the in vitro bacterial reverse mutation test potential of 10 tobacco products in the in vitro Micronucleus Assay
The bacterial reverse mutation test uses amino acid-requiring strains of Salmonella typhimurium (S. typhimurium) and Escherichia coli (E. coli) to detect point mutations, which involve substitution, addition or deletion of one or a few DNA base pairs. The principle of this bacterial reverse mutation test is that it detects chemicals that induce mutations which revert mutations present in the tester strains and restore the functional capability of the bacteria to synthesize an essential amino acid. The revertant bacteria are detected by their ability to grow in the absence of the amino acid required by the parent tester strain.
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Info |
- red font - indicates potential for CT code lists
- green font - links to other domains
- purple font - to be discussed
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title | ts.xpt (trial summary, study level parameters) |
- Assumption: The intent of this dataset is to provide a summary of trial (study) information. This is not subject-level data.
- What is the best ASSAYID, Species, Test System, GLP?
1 | 1238325064 | Ames | TS | 1 |
| GLPTYP | Good Laboratory Practice Type | FDA |
2 | 1238325064 | Ames | TS | 2 |
| GLPTYP | Good Laboratory Practice Type | OECD |
3 | 1238325064 | Ames | TS | 1 |
| STSTDTC | Study Start Date | 2015-07-29 |
4 | 123 |
| TS | 1 |
| STITLE | Study Title | Determination of the in vitro genotoxicity potential of 10 tobacco products in the in vitro Micronucleus Assay
5 | 123 |
| TS | 1 |
6 | 123 |
| TS | 1 |
| SNDCTVER | SEND Controlled Terminology Version | SEND Terminology 2021-09-30 |
7 | 123 |
| TS | 1 |
| SSPONSOR | Sponsor Organization | Example Sponsor Inc. |
8 | 123 |
| TS | 1 |
| SPREFID | Sponsor's Study Reference ID |
9 | 123 |
| TS | 1 | 1 | TSTFNAM | Test Facility Name | Example Tox Lab Name |
10 | 123 |
| TS | 1 | 1 | TSTFLOC | Test Facility Location | 10 Somewhere Street, Montgomery, AL 10000 |
11 | 123 |
| TS | 1 | 1 | TFCNTRY | Test Facility Country | USA |
12 | 123 |
| TS | 1 | 1 | STDIR | Study Director | Dr. R. Smith |
13 | 123 |
| TS | 1 |
| GLPFL | GLP Flag | N |
14 | 123 |
| TS | 1 |
| ASTD | Assay Standard | OECD Test No. 471 |
15 | 123 |
| TS | 1 |
| ASTDV | Assay Standard Version | 2020-06-29 |
16 | 123 |
| TS | 1 |
17 | 123 |
| TS | 1 |
| SSSTYP | Study Sub Type | Bacterial Reverse Mutation Test |
18 | 123 |
| TS | 1 |
| SPECIES | Species | Homo Sapiens |
19 | 123 |
| TS | 1 |
| ?? | Test System? | TK6 Lymphoblastoid Suspension Cells |
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- During CT definition/reviews will decide appropriate TXPARM and TXVAL; Treatment duration may be controlled; For now, we just include good example values based on our experience
- Assumption: The Trial Sets (TX) domain provides the list of distinct sets of subjects having different experimental factors, treatment factors, inherent characteristics, or distinct sponsor designations as specified in the trial design.
- Where is TK6 cell type? is this test system (see below)
- needs to be allowed to vary down to the well level / result level
A1: Image RemovedA2: Image Removed Row | STUDYID | ASSAYID | DOMAIN | SETCD | | TXSEQ | TXPARMCD | TXPARM | TXVAL |
123MNvitA1 (table 1, row 1, ST exposure with S9P1 (plate 1) |
| METACT | Metabolic Activation (should there be two parms? Presence, type)? | +S9123MNvitA1P1 |
| TRTDRTRG | Treatment Duration target. (how do we show 3-6 hour range? start/end, target and tolerance?, one text field not-analyzable) |
3 | 123 | MNvitA1P1 |
| TRTDRTOL | Treatment Duration Tolerance |
123 | MNvitA1P1 |
| TRTDURU | Treatment Duration Unit (this is for both TRTDURT, TRTDURTOL) |
H | 123 | MNvitA1123 | MNvit | P1 |
| INTRVN | name of the intervention article (Tobacco ProdA, Bleomycin or Cyclophosphamid A) |
Tobacco ProdA | A1P1 |
| ITVTYPE | type of intervention article choices of values: product; negative control; positive control |
Product | 123 | MNvit | A1P1 |
| ITVCONC | Concentration of intervention article | 0 | 123MNvit | A1P1 |
| ITVCONCU | Concentration Unit | ug/ml |
123 | MNvit | TX | A2 |
| TX | P1 |
| STRAIN | Strain/Substrain | TA98 |
| TX | P1 |
| REGIME | Smoking Regime |
| TX | P1 |
| RUN | Assay run number | 1 |
| TX | P1 |
| PORT | Port ID |
| TX | P1 |
| SMPLID | Sample ID |
| TX | P1 |
| SMKFRC | Smoke Fraction |
| TX | P1 |
| REPNUM | Replicate Number |
| TX | P2 | (table 1, row 2) |
| METACT | Metabolic Activation (should there be two parms? Presence, type)? | +S9 | 123MNvit | A2P2 |
| TRTDRTRG | Treatment Duration target. (how do we show 3-6 hour range? start/end, target and tolerance?, one text field not-analyzable) | 3 |
123 | MNvitA2P2 |
| TRTDRTOL | Treatment Duration Tolerance |
123 | MNvit | A2P2 |
| TRTDURU | Treatment Duration Unit (this is for both TRTDURT, TRTDURTOL) | H |
123 | MNvitA2123 | MNvitP2 |
| INTRVN | name of the intervention article |
Tobacco ProdA | A2P2 |
| ITVTYPE | type of intervention article | Product | 123MNvit | A2P2 |
| ITVCONC | Concentration of i a | 1250 | 123MNvit | A2P2 |
| ITVCONCU | Concentration Unit | ug/ml | ... |
| TX | P2 |
| STRAIN | Strain/Substrain | WP2 uvrA pKM10 1 |
| TX | P2 |
| REGIME | Smoking Regime |
| TX | P2 |
| RUN | Assay run number | 1 |
| TX | P2 |
| PORT | Port ID |
| TX | P2 |
| SMPLID | Sample ID |
| TX | P2 |
| SMKFRC | Smoke Fraction |
| TX | P2 |
| REPNUM | Replicate Number |
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title | gt.xpt (similar to LB) |
1 | 123MNvit | A1RICC | Relative Increase in Cell Count | 1540000 | 0 | % | 0 | 0 | % | 2022-05-25 | 2 | 123 | MNvit | GT | A1 | 2 | RCC | Relative Cell Count | 154 | 0 | % | 0 | 0 | % | 2022-05-25 | 3 | 123 | MNvit | GT | A1 | 3 | RPD | Relative Population Doubling | 154 | 0 | % | 0 | 0 | % | 2022-05-25 | 4 | 123 | MNvit | GT | A1 | 4 | MNCELLS | Micronucleated Cells | 2205 | 15 | Cells | 15 | 15 | Cells | 2022-05-25 | 5 | 123 | MNvit | GT | A1 | 5 | MNCELLS | Micronucleated Cells | 2474 | 13 | Cells | 13 | 13 | Cells | 2022-05-25 | 6 | 123 | MNvit | GT | A1 | 6 | MNCELLS | Micronucleated Cells | 2758 | 17 | Cells | 17 | 17 | Cells | 2022-05-25 | 7 | 123 | MNvit | GT | A1 | 7 | MNCELLS | Micronucleated Cells | 2669 | 12 | Cells | 12 | 12 | Cells | 2022-05-25 | 8 | 123 | MNvit | GT | A1 | 8 | AVGREL | Average Relative MN Frequency | 0.57 | % | 0.57 | 0.57 | % | 2022-05-25 | 9 | 123 | MNvit | RPP | Revertant Numbers Per Plate |
| 26 |
| 2015-08-03 | 2 |
| GT | P1 | 2 | RPP | Revertant Numbers Per Plate |
| 35 |
| 2015-08-03 | 3 |
| GT | P1 | 3 | RPP | Revertant Numbers Per Plate |
| 39 |
| 2015-08-03 | 4 |
| GT |
| 4 | RPP | Revertant Numbers Per Plate |
| 35 | Cells |
| Cells | 2015-08-03 | 5 |
| GT |
| 5 | RPP | Revertant Numbers Per Plate |
| 30 | Cells |
| Cells | 2015-08-03 | 6 |
| 7 |
| 8 |
| 9 |
| GT | A2 | 1 | RICC | Relative Increase in Cell Count | 134 |
| 15.7 | % | 15.7 | 15.7 | % | 2022-05-25 | 10 | 123MNvit |
| GT | A2 | 2 | RCC | Relative Cell Count | 134 |
| 13.0 | % | 13.0 | 13.0 | % | 2022-05-25 | 11 |
123 | MNvit |
| GT | A2 | 3 | RPD | Relative Population Doubling | 134123 | MNvit |
| GT | A2 | 4 | MNCELLS | Micronucleated Cells |
3266 |
| 20 | Cells | 20 | 20 | Cells | 2022-05-25 | 13 |
123 | MNvit |
| GT | A2 | 5 | MNCELLS | Micronucleated Cells |
2190 |
| 17 | Cells | 17 | 17 | Cells | 2022-05-25 | 14 | 123MNvit |
| GT | A2 | 6 | MNCELLS | Micronucleated Cells | 2758 |
| 13 | Cells | 13 | 13 | Cells | 2022-05-25 | 15 | 123MNvit |
| GT | A2 | 7 | MNCELLS | Micronucleated Cells | 2714 |
| 21 | Cells | 21 | 21 | Cells | 2022-05-25 | 16 |
123 | MNvit |
| GT | A2 | 8 | AVGREL | Average Relative MN Frequency |
| 0.66 | % | 0.66 | 0.66 | % | 2022-05-25 | ... |