Versions Compared


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  1. The questionnaire is divided into 3 sections namely Suicidal Ideation, Intensity of Ideation and Suicidal Behavior.
    1. The first section, "SUICIDAL IDEATION", contains 5 items.
      1. QSTESTCD = "CSS0101" - "CSS0105" with QSORRES = "Yes" or "No" and QSSTRESC = "Y" or "N".
        1. If QSORRES = "Yes", then descriptions provided for QSTESTCD = "CSS0101A" - "CSS0105A" are represented in QSORRES and QSSTRESC. QSSTRESN is null for these items.
    2. The second section "INTENSITY OF IDEATION" contains 6 items.
      1. QSTESTCD = "CSS0106" is rating the most severe ideation with responses represented with a numeric score (1-5) in QSORRES, QSSTRESC, and QSSTRESN.
        1. "Description of Ideation" (QSTESTCD = "CSS0106A") is collected as free text. For this section of the C-SSRS BASELINE, QSORRES and QSSTRESC are represented with the text description.
      2. For (QSTESTCD = "CSS0107" - "CSS0108"), the scale points include a numeric rating (1-5) and a definition of what is represented by the rating (e.g., 1 = "Less than once a week"). QSORRES is populated with the text description while the numeric rating is represented in the standardized character and numeric result variables QSSTRESC and QSSTRESN.  
      3. For (QSTESTCD = "CSS0109" - "CSS0111"), the scale points include a numeric rating (0-5) and a definition of what is represented by the rating (e.g., 0 = "Does not attempt to control thoughts"). QSORRES is populated with the text description while the numeric rating is represented in the standardized character and numeric result variables QSSTRESC and QSSTRESN.
    3. The third section, "SUICIDAL BEHAVIOR" contains 7 items.
      1. QSTESTCD = "CSS0112", "CSS0114", "CSS0115", "CSS0117", "CSS0119", and "CSS0120" with QSORRES = "Yes" or "No" and QSSTRESC = "Y" or "N".
        1. If QSORRES = "Yes", then descriptions provided for QSTESTCD = "CSS0113A", "CSS0116A", "CSS0118A", and "CSS0119A" are represented in QSORRES and QSSTRESC. QSSTRESN is null for these items.
      2. For QSTESTCD = "CSS0120" QSORRES = "Yes" or "No" and QSSTRESC = "Y" or "N". QSSTRESN is null for these items.
      3. A "Total # of Attempts" (QSTESTCD = "CSS0113"), "Total # of interrupted" (QSTESTCD = "CSS0116") and "Total # of aborted" (QSTESTCD = "CSS0118) is collected in QSORRES. "Answer for Actual Attempts Only" contains "Most Recent Attempt Date" (CSS0121A), "Most Lethal Attempt Date" (QSTESTCD = "CSS0122A"), and "Initial/First Attempt Date" (CSS0123A) collected in QSORRES. "Actual Lethality/Medical Damage" for "Most Recent Attempt", "Most Lethal Attempt" and "Initial/First Attempt" (QSTESTCD = "CSS0121B", "CSS0122B", and "CSS0123B") and "Potential Lethality" (QSTESTCD = "CSS0121C", "CSS0122C", and "CSS0123C") are represented with a numeric score (either "0-5" or "0-2") and descriptive text. For this section of the C-SSRS BASELINE, QSORRES is populated with the text description while the numeric rating is represented in the standardized character and numeric result variables QSSTRESC and QSSTRESN.
  2. The time period of evaluation for the C-SSRS BASELINE is populated in the QSEVINTX field as an evaluation interval text value, since it cannot be precisely described as an ISO 8601 duration. The evaluation interval for the C-SSRS BASELINE is "LIFETIME" (QSEVINTX = "LIFETIME").
  3. Items are divided into 3 subcategories represented in QSSCAT: "SUICIDAL IDEATION", "INTENSITY OF IDEATION" and "SUICIDAL BEHAVIOR".
  4. Some items on the C-SSRS BASELINE may be not done due to conditional branching. Items determined for conditional branching in the C-SSRS BASELINE are as follows:
    1. If QSTESTCD = "CSS0101" and "CSS0102" have QSORRES = "No", then the logic branches to QSTESTCD = "CSS0112" and QSTESTCD = "CSS0103" - "CSS0111" will not be done.
    2. Items QSTESTCD = "CSS0101A" - "CSS0105A" are only completed when the response to the preceding items (QSTESTCD = "CSS0101" - "CSS0105") is "Yes"; otherwise they are not done.
    3. If QSTESTCD = "CSS0112" has QSORRES = "No", then the logic branches to QSTESTCD = "CSS0114" and QSTESTCD = "CSS0113", "CSS0113A", "CSS0121A", "CSS0121B", "CSS0121C","CSS0122A", "CSS0122B", "CSS0122C", and"CSS0123A", "CSS0123B", "CSS0123C", will not be done.
    4. If QSTESTCD = "CSS0115" has QSORRES = "No", then the logic branches to QSTESTCD = "CSS0117" and QSTESTCD = "CSS0116" and "CSS0116A" will not be done.
    5. If QSTESTCD = "CSS0117" has QSORRES =  "No", then the logic branches to QSTESTCD = "CSS0119" and QSTESTCD = "CSS0118" and "CSS0118A" will not be done.
    6. If QSTESTCD = "CSS0119" has QSORRES =  "No", then the logic branches to QSTESTCD = "CSS0120" and QSTESTCD = "CSS0119A" will not be done.
    7. If QSTESTCD = "CSS0121B", "CSS0122B", and "CSS0123B" have QSORRES = "1", "2", "3", "4", or "5", then QSTESTCD ="CSS0121C", "CSS0122C", and "CSS0123C" will not be done.
  5. A derived record is created and a QS supplemental qualifier variable is used to indicate an item was conditionally branched. When an item is not done due to conditional branching, it is represented as follows:

    1. QSDRVFL = "Y".

    2. QNAM = “QSCBRFL”, QLABEL = “Conditional Branched Item Indicator “, QVAL = “Y”. (This is a QS supplemental qualifier variable.)      

    3. QSSTAT = "NOT DONE", and QSREASND is missing

    4. QSORRES, QSSTRESC and QSSTRESN are set to null (missing)
  6. Records are created in qs.xpt for every item on the sponsor's version of the instrument.
    1. For items not done due to conditional branching, refer to assumptions 4 and 5.
    2. In the unexpected situation where the reason is unknown, then QSORRES, QSSTRESC and QSSTRESN are all missing, QSSTAT = "NOT DONE", and QSREASND is missing.
  7. Some responses to the C-SSRS SINCE LAST VISIT items exceeded the 200-character limit for the QSORRES variable and needed to be reduced to fewer than 200 characters. Section 4, SDTM Mapping Strategy, indicates which item responses were revised in order to fit the 200-character limit. 

  8. Terminology

    1. QSCAT, QSTESTCD, and QSTEST values are included in CDISC Controlled Terminology.

    2. A full list of value sets for the qualifier, timing, and result fields is provided in Section 4, SDTM Mapping Strategy.
