- During CT definition/reviews will decide appropriate TXPARM and TXVAL; For now, we just include good example values based on our experience
1 | 123 | NRU | TX | 1-1-A(plate-col-row in the 96-well plate) | CSC-10(through SLS-200) |
RNPRT | Run-port number | 1-1 |
| PLATENUM. (e.g., 1 or 2) | 1 | 1 |
1-1-A | PLATENUM | 1 (or 2)WELLNUM | ( 1210-H) | Number representing the location of the well in the 96-well plate | 1-A |
| 1-1-A | CSC-10 |
| INTRVN | name of the intervention article | Cigarette Smoke Condensate |
| 1-1-A | CSC-10 |
| ITVTYPE(CT e.g, Product, positive control, negative control) | type of intervention article | ProductPRODUCT |
| 1-1-A | CSC-10 |
| ITVCONC | intervention concentration | 10 |
| 1-1-A | CSC-10 |
| ITVCONCU | intervention unit | ug/ml |
| 1-1 | -A-B | CSC-10 |
| PLATENUM | Plate number | 1 |
| 1-1-B | 123MNvit | TX | A2 | METACT | Metabolic Activation | +S9 | 123 | MNvit | TX | A2 | TRTDUR | Treatment Duration | Short Term | 123 | MNvit | TX | A2 | PRDCONC | Concentration of product | 1250 | 123 | MNvit | TX | A2 | PRDCONCU | Concentration Unit | ug/ml | 123 | MNvit | TX | A2 | Product | Product Name | 123 | MNvit | TX | A2 | Smoking Regime | 123 | MNvit | TX | A2 | Smoke Fraction | A6 | METACT | TRTDUR |
| WELLNUM | Number representing the location of the well in the 96-well plate | 2-A |
| 1-1-B | CSC-10 |
| INTRVN | name of the intervention article | Cigarette Smoke Condensate |
| 1-1-B | CSC-10 |
| ITVTYPE | type of intervention article | PRODUCT |
| 1-1-B | CSC-10 |
| ITVCONC | intervention concentration | 10 |
| 1-1-B | CSC-10 |
| ITVCONCU | intervention unit | ug/ml |
| ... |
| 1-10-H | SLS-10 |
| PLATENUM | Plate number | 1 |
| 1-10-H | SLS-10 |
| WELLNUM | Number representing the location of the well in the 96-well plate | 10-H |
| 1-10-H | SLS-10 |
INTRVN | name of the intervention article | Cyclophosphamid A | sodium laurel sulfate |
| 1-10-H | SLS-10 |
| ITVTYPE | type of intervention article |
Positive control | ITVCONC | Concentration of i a | 5 | | POSITIVE CONTROL |
| 1-10-H | SLS-10 |
| ITVCONC | intervention concentration | 200 |
| 1-10-H | SLS-10 |
| ITVCONCU | intervention unit |
A6 | ITVCONCU | Concentration UnitA6 | TCNTL | 123 | MNvit | TX | B1 | METACT | Metabolic Activation | -S9 | 123 | MNvit | TX | B1 | TRTDRTRG | Treatment Duration target | 4 | TRTDRTOL | Treatment Duration Tolerance | .25 | ?? | 123 | MNvit | TX | B1 | TRTDURU | Treatment Duration Unit (this is for both TRTDURT, TRTDURTOL) | H |
| ... |
| 2-10-H | SLS-10 |
| PLATENUM | Plate number | 2 |
| 2-10-H | SLS-10 |
| WELLNUM | Number representing the location of the well in the 96-well plate | 2-A |
| 2-10-H | SLS-10 |
| INTRVN | name of the intervention article | sodium laurel sulfate |
| 2-10-H | SLS-10 |
| ITVTYPE | type of intervention article | POSITIVE CONTROL |
| 2-10-H | SLS-10 |
| ITVCONC | intervention concentration | 200 |
| 2-10-H | SLS-10 |
| ITVCONCU | intervention unit | ug/ml |
123 | MNvit | TX | B1 | PRDCONC | Concentration of product | 0 | 123 | MNvit | TX | B1 | PRDCONCU | Concentration Unit | ug/ml | 123 | MNvit | TX | B1 | Product | Product Name | 123 | MNvit | TX | B1 | Smoking Regime | 123 | MNvit | TX | B1 | Smoke Fraction | 123 | MNvit | TX | C1 | METACT | Metabolic Activation | -S9 | 123 | MNvit | TX | C1 | TRTDUR | Treatment Duration | 24 | ?? | 123 | MNvit | TX | C1 | TRTDURU | Treatment Duration Unit | H | 123 | MNvit | TX | C1 | PRDCONC | Concentration of product | 0 | 123 | MNvit | TX | C1 | PRDCONCU | Concentration Unit | ug/ml | 123 | MNvit | TX | C1 | Product | Product Name | 123 | MNvit | TX | C1 | Smoking Regime | 123 | MNvit | TX | C1 | Smoke Fraction |