This is an example of a study designed to evaluate plasma nicotine pharmacokinetic (PK) parameters following the use of nicotine pouches. Three nicotine Two different nicotine pouches products were used in the study. Each pouch product was evaluated in 180 minute test session. AUC and CMAX were to be determined. The study consisted of a screening period, one day of admission, four separate days of on-site product use with 1–3 days in between each product use, and a 7-day safety follow-up period. Plasma samples were taken at 45, 30, and 15 minutes prior start of product use and 2, 4, 7, 10, 15, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 120, and 240 minutes after start of product use. ( Note: more time points may be used, these timepoints were used only for illustration).
(Cmax), time to reach Cmax (tmax), and the baseline-corrected area under the plasma concentration–time curves (i) from start of product use (t0) to the last quantifiable nicotine concentration time point (AUC0-last) and (ii) from t0 to 10 minutes after t0 (AUC0-10’). The pharmacokinetic parameters were derived from plasma nicotine concentrations-versus-time data by means of non-compartmental analysis using Phoenix WinNonlin (version 6. 2, Pharsight Corp, Sunnyvale, California) and corrected for baseline following the method described by Kraiczi et al.30 whereby the where the baseline (C0) was defined as the average concentration of the three time points prior to t0 (45, 30, and 15 minutes prior to t0) of each visit from whose slope the elimination rate constant (k) was estimated and then used for the calculation of the baseline corrected values. . The analysis methods for the baseline corrected values were provided in the study protocol.
The PCLLOQ for the assay used was 0/1 ng/ml , the PCULOQ was not reported

Dataset wrap |
Rowcaps |
Rows 1-23: | Show the day 1 1 pre-dose drug and metabolite concentrations of nicotine in plasma and urine. | Rows 3-4: | Show day 1 pre-dose drug and metabolite concentrations in urine. Urine specimens may be collected over an interval; both PCDTC and PCENDTC have been populated with the same value to indicate that these specimens were collected at a point in time rather than over an interval. | Rows 5-6: | Show specimen properties (VOLUME and PH) for the day 1 pre-dose urine specimens. These have a PCCAT value of "SPECIMEN PROPERTY". | Rows 7-12: | Show day 1 post-dose drug and metabolite concentrations in plasma. | Rows 13-16: | Show day 11 drug and metabolite concentrations in plasma. | Rows 17-20: | Show day 11 drug and metabolite concentrations in urine specimens collected over an interval. The elapsed times for urine samples are calculated as the elapsed time (from the reference time point, PCTPTREF) to the end of the specimen collection interval. Elapsed time values that are the same for urine and plasma samples have been assigned the same value for PCTPT. For the urine samples, the value in PCEVLINT describes the planned evaluation (or collection) interval relative to the time point. The actual evaluation interval can be determined by subtracting PCDTC from PCENDTC. | at 45, 30 and 15 min before start of delivery of the nicotine. PCDTC is populated to indicate when these specimens were collected | Rows 4-8: | Show the day 1 post drug concentrations in plasma after the start of delivery of the nicotine. | Rows 8-17 | Show day 1 pre- and post-dose concentrations of nicotine in plasma. | Rows 21-30: | Show additional drug and metabolite concentrations and specimen properties related to the day 11 dose. | |
Dataset2 |
1 | ABC-123 | PC | 123-0001 | 1 | Day 1 | A554134-10 | NICO_PAR | NICOTINE PARENT | ANALYTE | PLASMA | <0.1 | ng/mL | <0.1 |
| ng/mL |
| 0.10 | 20 |
| 1 | DAY 1 | 1 | 2001-02-01T07:4515 | 1 | 45MIN PREDOSE | 01 | Day 1 Dose | 2001-02-01T08:00 | -PT45M | NICO_PAR | NICOTINE PARENT PLASMA | <1.0 | 30 MIN PREDOSE | -PT30M | 2 | ABC-123 | PC | 123-0001 | 2 | Day | 21 | A554134-10 | DRGANICO_PAR | Drug A Parent | ANALYTE | PLASMA | <1.0 | ng/mL | <0<1. | 10 | ng/mL |
| 0.10 | 20 |
| 1 | DAY 1Day1 | 1 | 2001-02-01T07: | 4530 | 1 | 15 MIM 30 MIN PREDOSE | 02 | Day 1 Dose | 2001-02-01T08:00 | - | PT15MPT30M | 3 | ABC-123 | PC | 123-0001 | 3Day | 3 Day 1 | A554134-1110 | DRGANICO_METPAR | NICOTINE PARENTDrug A Metabolite | ANALYTE | PLASMA | 1<1.50 | ng/mL | <2<0.1 |
| ng/mL |
| 20.0010 | 50020 | 1 | DAY 1 | 1 | 2001-02-01T07:45 | 2001-02-01T07:45 | 12M | 15 MIM PREDOSE | 03 | Day 1 Dose | 2001-02-01T08:00 | PT2M-PT15M | 4 | ABC-123 | PC | 123-0001 | 4Day | 1Day 1 | A554134-11 | DRGANICO_PAR | Drug A ParentNICOTINE PARENT | ANALYTE | PLASMA | 31.05 | ng/mL | 1.5 | 1.5<2 | ng/mL |
| 20.0010 | 500 | 1 | DAY 1 | 1 | 2001-02-01T0701T08:452001-02-01T07:45 | 1 | 4M2M | 04 | Day 1 Dose | 2001-02-01T08:00 | PT$MPT2M | 5 | ABC-123 | PC | 123-0001 | 5 | Day 1 | A554134-11 | VOLUME | Volume | NICO_PAR | NICOTINE PARENT | ANALYTESPECIMEN PROPERTY | PLASMA | 83.0 | ng/mL | 100 | 100 | 3.0 | 3.0 | ng/mL |
| 0.10 | 500mL | 1 | DAY 1 | 1 | 2001-02-01T07:452001-02-01T07:4501T08:04 | 1 | 8M4M | 05 | Day 1 Dose | 2001-02-01T08:00 | PT8MPT4M | 6 | ABC-123 | PC | 123-0001 | 6 | Day 1 | A554134-11 | PH | PH | NICO_PAR | NICOTINE PARENT | ANALYTESPECIMEN PROPERTY | PLASMA | 58.0 | ng/mL | 8.0 | 5.5 | 8.0 | ng/mL |
| 0.105.5 |
| 1 | DAY 1 | 1 | 2001-02-01T0701T08:45 | 2001-02-01T07:45 | 08 | 1 | 60M8M | 06 | Day 1 Dose | 2001-02-01T08:00 | PT60PT8M | 7 | ABC-123 | PC | 123-0001 | 7 | Day 1 | A554134-1211 | DRGANICO_METPAR | NICOTINE PARENTDrug A Metabolite | ANALYTE | PLASMA | 35.0. | ng/mL | 5.40 | 5.40 | ng/mL |
| 0.10 | 20 |
| 1 | DAY 1 | 1 | 2001-02-01T09:3000 | 1 | 120M60M | 1.57 | Day 1 Dose | 2001-02-01T08:00 | PT120PT60 | 8 | ABC-123 | PC | 123-0001 | 8 | Day 1 | A554134-12 | DRGANICO_PAR | Drug A ParentNICOTINE PARENT | ANALYTE | PLASMA | 23.0 0 | ng/mL | 43.7404 | 3.740 | ng/mL |
| 0.10 | 20 | 1 | DAY 1 | 1 | 2001-02-01T0901T010:3000 | 1 | 240M120M | 1.58 | Day 1 Dose | 2001-02-01T08:00 | PT240MPT120 | 9 | ABC-123 | PC | 123-0001 | 9 | Day 14 | A554134-13 | DRGANICO_METPAR | NICOTINE PARENTDrug A Metabolite | ANALYTE | PLASMA | 5.44 | ng/mL | 5.44 | 5.44 | ng/mL |
| 0.10 | 20 | 12 | DAY 141 | 4 | 2001-02-01T1404T107:0015 | 14 | 6H45MIN PREDOSE | 61 | Day 1 4 Dose | 2001-02-01T0804T08:00 | PT6H00M-PT45M | 10 | ABC-123 | PC | 123-0001 | 10 | Day 14 | A554134-13 | DRGANICO_PAR | Drug A ParentNICOTINE PARENT | ANALYTE | PLASMA | 1.09 | ng/mL | 1.09 | 1.09 | ng/mL |
| 0.10 | 20 | 12 | DAY 141 | 4 | 2001-02-01T1404T07:0030 | 14 | 6H30MIN PREDOSE | 62 | Day 1 4 Dose | 2001-02-01T0804T08:00 | PT6H | 11 | ABC-123 | PC | 123-0001 | 11 | Day 1 | A554134-14 | DRGA_MET | Drug A Metabolite | ANALYTE | PLASMA | NOT DONE | 20 | 2 | DAY 2 | -PT30M | 2 | 2001-02-02T08:00 | 2 | 24H | 24 | Day 1 Dose | 2001-02-01T08:00 | PT24H | 12 | ABC-123 | PC | 123-0001 | 1211 | Day 14 | A554134-14 | DRGANICO_PAR | Drug A ParentNICOTINE PARENT | ANALYTE | PLASMA | <0.1 | ng/mL | <0.1 |
| ng/mL |
| 0.10 | 20 | 2 | DAY 242 | 4 | 2001-02-02T0804T07:0015 | 2424H | 15 MIN REDOSE | 243 | Day 1 4 Dose | 2001-02-01T0804T08:00 | PT24H-PT15M | 13 | ABC-123 | PC | 123-0001 | 1312 | Day 114 | A554134-15 | DRGANICO_METPART | NICOTINE PARENTDrug A Metabolite | ANALYTE | PLASMA | 3.41 | ng/mL | 3.41 | 3.41 | ng/mL |
| 0.10 | 20 | 32 | DAY 11411 | 4 | 2001-02-11T07:45 | 11 | PREDOSE | 0 | 04T08.02 | 4 | 2M | 4 | Day 4 Day 11 Dose | 2001-02-11T0804T08:00-PT15M | PT2M | 14 | ABC-123 | PC | 123-0001 | 1413 | Day 114 | A554134-15 | DRGANICO_PAR | Drug A ParentNICOTINE PARENT | ANALYTE | PLASMA | <0.1 | ng/mL | <0.1 |
| ng/mL |
| 0.10 | 20 | 32 | DAY 11411 | 4 | 2001-02-11T0704T08:4504 | 114 | PREDOSE4M | 05 | Day 11 4 Dose | 2001-02-11T0804T08:00-PT15M | PT4M | 15 | ABC-123 | PC | 123-0001 | 1514 | Day 114 | A554134-16 | DRGANICO_METPAR | NICOTINE PARENTDrug A Metabolite | ANALYTE | PLASMA | 8.74 | ng/mL | 8.74 | 8.74 | ng/mL |
| 0.10 | 20 | 32 | DAY 11411 | 4 | 2001-02-11T0904T008.:3008 | 114 | 1H30MIN8M | 1.56 | Day 11 4 Dose | 2001-02-11T0804T08:00 | PT1H30MPT8M | 16 | ABC-123 | PC | 123-0001 | 1615 | Day 114 | A554134-16 | DRGANICO_PAR | Drug A ParentNICOTINE PARENT | ANALYTE | PLASMA | 4.2 | ng/mL | 4.2 | 4.2 | ng/mL |
| 0.10 | 20 | 32 | DAY 11411 | 4 | 2001-02-11T0904T09:3000 | 114 | 1H30MIN60M | 1.57 | Day 11 4 Dose | 2001-0204-11T08:00 | PT1H30MPT160M | 17 | ABC-123 | PC | 123-0001 | 1716 | Day 114 | A554134-17 | DRGANICO_METPAR | NICOTINE PARENTeDrug A Metabolite | ANALYTE | URINE | 245 | ng/mL | 245 | 245 | ng/mL | 2.00 | 500 | 3 | DAY 11 | 11 | 2001-02-11T08:00 | 2001-02-11T14:03 | 11 | 6H | 6 | Day 11 Dose | 2001-02-11T08:00 | PT6H | -PT6H | 18 | ABC-123 | PC | 123-0001 | 18 | Day 11 | A554134-17 | DRGA_PAR | Drug A Parent | ANALYTE | URINE | 13.1 | ng/mL | 13.1 | 13.1 | ng/mL | 2.00 | 500 | 3 | DAY 11 | 11 | 2001-02-11T08:00 | 2001-02-11T14:03 | 11 | 6H | 6 | Day 11 Dose | 2001-02-11T08:00 | PT6H | -PT6H | 19 | ABC-123 | PC | 123-0001 | 19 | Day 11 | A554134-17 | VOLUME | Volume | SPECIMEN PROPERTY | URINE | 574 | mL | 574 | 574 | mL | 3 | DAY 11 | 11 | 2001-02-11T08:00 | 2001-02-11T14:03 | 11 | 6H | 6 | Day 11 Dose | 2001-02-11T08:00 | PT6H | -PT6H | 20 | ABC-123 | PC | 123-0001 | 20 | Day 11 | A554134-17 | PH | PH | SPECIMEN PROPERTY | URINE | 5.5 | 5.5 | 5.5 | 3 | DAY 11 | 11 | 2001-02-11T08:00 | 2001-02-11T14:03 | 11 | 6H | 6 | Day 11 Dose | 2001-02-11T08:00 | PT6H | -PT6H | 21 | ABC-123 | PC | 123-0001 | 21 | Day 11 | A554134-18 | DRGA_MET | Drug A Metabolite | ANALYTE | PLASMA | 9.02 | ng/mL | 9.02 | 9.02 | ng/mL |
| 0.10 | 20 | 3 | DAY 11 | 11 | 2001-02-11T14:00 | 11 | 6H | 6 | Day 11 Dose | 2001-02-11T08:00 | PT6H | 22 | ABC-123 | PC | 123-0001 | 22 | Day 11 | A554134-18 | DRGA_PAR | Drug A Parent | ANALYTE | PLASMA | 1.18 | ng/mL | 1.18 | 1.18 | ng/mL | 0.10 | 20 | 3 | DAY 11 | 11 | 2001-02-11T14:00 | 11 | 6H | 6 | Day 11 Dose | 2001-02-11T08:00 | PT6H | 23 | ABC-123 | PC | 123-0001 | 23 | Day 11 | A554134-19 | DRGA_MET | Drug A Metabolite | ANALYTE | URINE | 293 | ng/mL | 293 | 293 | ng/mL | 2.00 | 3 | DAY 11 | 11 | 2001-02-11T14:03 | 2001-02-11T20:10 | 11 | 12H | 12 | Day 11 Dose | 2001-02-11T08:00 | PT12H | -PT6H | 24 | ABC-123 | PC | 123-0001 | 24 | Day 11 | A554134-19 | DRGA_PAR | Drug A Parent | ANALYTE | URINE | 7.1 | ng/mL | 7.1 | 7.1 | ng/mL | 2.00 | 3 | DAY 11 | 11 | 2001-02-11T14:03 | 2001-02-11T20:10 | 11 | 12H | 12 | Day 11 Dose | 2001-02-11T08:00 | PT12H | -PT6H | 25 | ABC-123 | PC | 123-0001 | 25 | Day 11 | A554134-19 | VOLUME | Volume | SPECIMEN PROPERTY | URINE | 363 | mL | 363 | 363 | mL | 3 | DAY 11 | 11 | 2001-02-11T14:03 | 2001-02-11T20:10 | 11 | 12H | 12 | Day 11 Dose | 2001-02-11T08:00 | PT12H | -PT6H | 26 | ABC-123 | PC | 123-0001 | 26 | Day 11 | A554134-19 | PH | PH | SPECIMEN PROPERTY | URINE | 5.5 | 5.5 | 5.5 | 3 | DAY 11 | 11 | 2001-02-11T14:03 | 2001-02-11T20:10 | 11 | 12H | 12 | Day 11 Dose | 2001-02-11T08:00 | PT12H | -PT6H | 500 | 2 | DAY 4 | 4 | 2001-02-04T010:00 | 4 | 120M | 8 | Day 4 Dose | 2001-04-11T08:00 | PT120M | 27 | ABC-123 | PC | 123-0001 | 27 | Day 11 | A554134-20 | DRGA_MET | Drug A Metabolite | ANALYTE | URINE | 280 | ng/mL | 280 | 280 | ng/mL | 2.00 | 4 | DAY 12 | 12 | 2001-02-11T20:03 | 2001-02-12T08:10 | 12 | 24H | 24 | Day 11 Dose | 2001-02-11T08:00 | PT24H | -PT12H | 28 | ABC-123 | PC | 123-0001 | 28 | Day 11 | A554134-20 | DRGA_PAR | Drug A Parent | ANALYTE | URINE | 2.4 | ng/mL | 2.4 | 2.4 | ng/mL | 2.00 | 4 | DAY 12 | 12 | 2001-02-11T20:03 | 2001-02-12T08:10 | 12 | 24H | 24 | Day 11 Dose | 2001-02-11T08:00 | PT24H | -PT12H | 29 | ABC-123 | PC | 123-0001 | 29 | Day 11 | A554134-20 | VOLUME | Volume | SPECIMEN PROPERTY | URINE | 606 | mL | 606 | 606 | mL | 4 | DAY 12 | 12 | 2001-02-11T20:03 | 2001-02-12T08:10 | 12 | 24H | 24 | Day 11 Dose | 2001-02-11T08:00 | PT24H | -PT12H | 30 | ABC-123 | PC | 123-0001 | 30 | Day 11 | A554134-20 | PH | PH | SPECIMEN PROPERTY | URINE | 5.5 | 5.5 | 5.5 | 4 | DAY 12 | 12 | 2001-02-11T20:03 | 2001-02-12T08:10 | 12 | 24H | 24 | Day 11 Dose | 2001-02-11T08:00 | PT24H | -PT12H | 31 | ABC-123 | PC | 123-0001 | 31 | Day 11 | A554134-21 | DRGA_MET | Drug A Metabolite | ANALYTE | PLASMA | 3.73 | ng/mL | 3.73 | 3.73 | ng/mL | 0.10 | 20 | 4 | DAY 12 | 12 | 2001-02-12T08:00 | 12 | 24H | 24 | Day 11 Dose | 2001-02-11T08:00 | PT24H | 32 | ABC-123 | PC | 123-0001 | 32 | Day 11 | A554134-21 | DRGA_PAR | Drug A Parent | ANALYTE | PLASMA | <0.1 | ng/mL | <0.1 | ng/mL | 0.10 | 20 | 4 | DAY 12 | 12 | 2001-02-12T08:00 | 12 | 24H | 24 | Day 11 Dose | 2001-02-11T08:00 | PT24H | |