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Comment: Removed domain prefixes from the supplemental which were approved as NSVs.


"NE" (Not Evaluable) is a standard result in the Oncology Response Assessment Result codelist (ONCRSR) which is applicable to RECIST 1.1. Therefore, in RS, "NE" (Not Evaluable) is a valid RSORRES/RSSTRESC for RSTEST = "Overall Response". For RS, a suppqual for "Reason Response Not Evaluable" (RSREASNEREASNE) has been used in some examples. However, in TR, the current modeling for NE (not evaluable) results follows the approach where TRSTAT is populated with "NOT DONE".  TRSTAT = "NOT DONE" means that the result was missing and the reason that the result was missing is mapped to TRREASND. The TRREASND values cover reasons such as scan was not performed or the various reason that the tumor was not evaluable. This modelling does not always explicitly or consistently identify the tumors which are not evaluable but some of the examples include "NOT EVALUABLE" in the TRREASND.


The supprs.xpt table below shows the data on the reason that the response was not evaluable (QNAM = "RSREASNEREASNE") in the case where the reason is collected.

Dataset wrap

Row 1: Show that the QVAL for Reason Response Not Evaluable (QNAM = "RSREASNEREASNE").  

1EX11111RS90001RSSEQ3RSREASNEREASNEReason Response Not EvaluableImaging quality issues and not all scan performedCRF


The supptu.xpt table below shows the data on whether a tumor was previously irradiated (QNAM = "TUPRVIRPRVIR") and whether that tumor was shown to be progressing since it was irradiated (QNAM = "TUPRVIRPPRVIRP"). 

Dataset wrap

Rows 1-3: Show that the target lesions with TUSEQs equal to "1", "2" and "3" where not previously irradiated.
Rows 4-5: Show that that target lesion with TUSEQ = "4" was previously irradiated and shown to be progressing since it was irradiated.

 1EX11111TU90001TUSEQ1TUPRVIRPRVIRPreviously Irradiated IndicatorNCRF
 2EX11111TU90001TUSEQ2TUPRVIRPRVIRPreviously Irradiated IndicatorNCRF
 3EX11111TU90001TUSEQ3TUPRVIRPRVIRPreviously Irradiated IndicatorNCRF
 4EX11111TU90001TUSEQ4TUPRVIRPRVIRPreviously Irradiated IndicatorYCRF
 5EX11111TU90001TUSEQ4TUPRVIRPPRVIRPPreviously Irradiated ProgressionYCRF


The supprs.xpt table below shows the data on the reason that the response was Not Evaluable (NE) (QNAM = "RSREASNEREASNE") in the case where it is collected.

Dataset wrap

Row 1: Show that the QVAL for Reason Response Not Evaluable (QNAM = "RSREASNEREASNE").  

1EX33333RS90005RSSEQ12RSREASNEREASNEReason Response Not EvaluableScans of target and non-target tumors were not performedCRF


The supptu.xpt table below shows the textual data on the location detail (QNAM = "TULOCDTLLOCDTL"). 

Dataset wrap

Row 1: Shows that the target lesion in the liver with TUSEQ = "1" is located in segment 5 of the liver as described by radiologist 1.
Row 2: Shows that the non-target lesion in the abdominal cavity with TUSEQ = "3" is located in the back of the abdomen as described by radiologist 1.

Row 3: Shows that the target lesion in the liver with TUSEQ = "5" is located in the lower part of segment 5 as described by radiologist 2.

 1EX44444TU90004TUSEQ1TULOCDTLLOCDTLLocation DetailSegment 5CRF
 2EX44444TU90004TUSEQ3TULOCDTLLOCDTLLocation DetailBack of the abdomenCRF
 3EX44444TU90004TUSEQ5TULOCDTLLOCDTLLocation DetailLower part of Segment 5CRF


The supprs.xpt table below shows the data on the reason that the response was Not Evaluable (NE) (QNAM = "RSREASNEREASNE") in the case where it is collected.

Dataset wrap

Row 1: Shows that the QVAL for RSSEQ = "6" for Reason Response Not Evaluable (QNAM = "RSREASNEREASNE").  

 1EX55555RS90005RSSEQ6RSREASNEREASNEReason Response Not EvaluableImaging Quality IssuesCRF


The supprs.xpt table below shows the data on the reason that the response was Not Evaluable (NE) (QNAM = "RSREASNEREASNE") in the case where the reason is collected.

Dataset wrap

Row 1: Shows that the QVAL for RSSEQ = "5" for Reason Response Not Evaluable (QNAM = "RSREASNEREASNE").

 1EX77777RS90005RSSEQ5RSREASNEREASNEReason Response Not EvaluableImaging Quality IssuesCRF


Dataset wrap

Row 1: Shows that the presentation of the disease in the brain is leptomeningeal carcinomatosis, i.e., for the non-target site in the brain (TULNKID = "NT01"), the QVAL is "LEPTOMENINGEAL DISEASE".

Rows 2-3: Show the plane of measurement (QNAM = "TUPLOMSR") and the slice number (QNAM = "TUSLNUMSLNUM") where the brain non-target lesion (TULNKID = "NT01") was identified.

Rows 4-5: Show the plane of measurement (QNAM = "TUPLOMSR") and the slice number (QNAM = "TUSLNUMSLNUM") where the skeletal muscle tissue non-target lesion (TULNKID = "NT02") was identified.
Row 6: Shows that the presentation of the disease in the pericardium is effusion, i.e., for the non-target site in the pericardium (TULNKID = "NT03"), the QVAL is "EFFUSION".

2EX77777TU90007TUSEQ3TUPLOMSRPlane of MeasurementSAGITTALCRF
4EX77777TU90007TUSEQ4TUPLOMSRPlane of MeasurementSAGITTALCRF
5EX77777TU90007TUSEQ4TUSLNUMSLNUMSlice Number88-91CRF
6EX77777TU90007TUSEQ4TUPRTYPTumor Presentation TypeEFFUSIONCRF


Dataset wrap

Rows 1-2: Show the 2 locations of the MRI at screening for PRSEQ = "1" where QNAM = "PRLOC1" with QVAL = "HEAD" and QNAM = "PRLOC2" with QVAL = "CHEST".

Row 3: Shows the slice thickness (QNAM = "PRSLTHKSLTHK") of the MRI at screening for PRSEQ = "1".

Rows 4-5: Show the 2 locations of the MRI at week 6 for PRSEQ = "3" where QNAM = "PRLOC1" with QVAL = "HEAD" and QNAM = "PRLOC2" with QVAL = "CHEST".

Row 6: Shows the slice thickness (QNAM = "PRSLTHKSLTHK") of the MRI at week 6 for PRSEQ = "3".

Rows 7-8: Show the 2 locations of the MRI at week 12 for PRSEQ = "5" where QNAM = "PRLOC1" with QVAL = "HEAD" and QNAM = "PRLOC2" with QVAL = "CHEST".

Row 9: Shows the slice thickness (QNAM = "PRSLTHKSLTHK") of the MRI at week 12 for PRSEQ = "5". 

Row 10: Shows the overall image quality issue (QNAM = "PROIQ") of the MRI at week 12 for PRSEQ = "5". 

1EX77777PR90007PRSEQ1PRLOC1LOC1Anatomical Location of Procedure 1HEADCRF
2EX77777PR90007PRSEQ1PRLOC2LOC2Anatomical Location of Procedure 2CHESTCRF
3EX77777PR90007PRSEQ1PRSLTHKSLTHKSlice Thickness5 mmCRF
4EX77777PR90007PRSEQ3PRLOC1LOC1Anatomical Location of Procedure 1HEADCRF
5EX77777PR90007PRSEQ3PRLOC2LOC2Anatomical Location of Procedure 2CHESTCRF
6EX77777PR90007PRSEQ3PRSLTHKSLTHKSlice Thickness5 mmCRF
7EX77777PR90007PRSEQ5PRLOC1LOC1Anatomical Location of Procedure 1HEADCRF
8EX77777PR90007PRSEQ5PRLOC2LOC2Anatomical Location of Procedure 2CHESTCRF
9EX77777PR90007PRSEQ5PRSLTHKSLTHKSlice Thickness5 mmCRF
10EX77777PR90007PRSEQ5PROIQOverall Image QualityMotion issues and lesions where obscuredCRF
11EX77777PR90007PRSEQ7PRLOC1LOC1Anatomical Location of Procedure 1HEADCRF
12EX77777PR90007PRSEQ7PRLOC2LOC2Anatomical Location of Procedure 2CHESTCRF
13EX77777PR90007PRSEQ7PRSLTHKSLTHKSlice Thickness5 mmCRF

4.8 Example 8: RECIST 1.1 example to show response (RS) data and the underlying tumor identification (TU) and tumor results (TR) data based on an independent assessment. This example shows data from a breast cancer study in a metastatic setting.  


Dataset wrap
RSREASNEREASNERSReason Response Not EvaluabletextFree text from CRF

Non-Standard Record Qualifier


TUPreviously Irradiated IndicatortextNY

Non-Standard Record Qualifier

TUPRVIRPPRVIRPTUPreviously Irradiated ProgressiontextNY

Non-Standard Record Qualifier

TUPRTYPTUTumor Presentation TypetextDSPRTYP

Non-Standard Record Qualifier

TULOCDTLLOCDTLTULocation DetailtextFree text from CRF

Non-Standard Record Qualifier

TUSLNUMSLNUMTUSlice NumbertextFree text from CRF

Non-Standard Record Qualifier

TUPLOMSRTUPlane of MeasurementtextFree text from CRF

Non-Standard Record Qualifier

PRLOC1PRAnatomical Location of Procedure 11textLOC

Non-Standard Record Qualifier

PRLOC2PRAnatomical Location of Procedure 2textLOC

Non-Standard Record Qualifier

PRSLTHKSLTHKPRSlice ThicknesstextFree text from CRF

Non-Standard Record Qualifier

PROIQPROverall Image QualitytextFree text from CRF

Non-Standard Record Qualifier
