Versions Compared


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AttributeSchema Type or Enumeration ValuesUsageDefinitionBusiness Rules
ItemGroupOIDoidrefRequiredReference to an ItemGroupDef for the MetaDataVersion identified in the ClinicalData element.
ItemGroupRepeatKeyrepeatKeyConditionalA key used to distinguish between repeats of the same type of item group within a single form.When the Repeating attribute for the ItemGroupDef element is "Yes" the ItemGroupRepeatKey must be unique within the parent element.
TransactionTypeInsert | Update | Remove | Upsert | ContextConditionalThe TransactionType attribute need not be present in a Snapshot document.When the FileType attribute for the ODM element is Transactional, the TransactionType must be provided.
ItemGroupDataSeqintegerConditionalUnique sequence # for each ItemGroupData child element (record) in the container element.When the parent element is ReferenceData or ClinicalData, the ItemGroupDataSeq must be provided.