Versions Compared


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The study metadata includes a CodeList with the list of support null flavor values.  The CodeListItem definitions provide the Null Flavor codes as the CodedValue attribute. The Decode provides a label  value that could be displayed on a CRF or in an analysis display.

Code Block
titleNull Flavor Subset Codelist Definition
<MetaDataVersion OID="ODMV2.MDV.NF">
    <CodeList OID="STUDY.CL.NullReasonCodelist" Name="NullFlavorValueSubset" DataType="text">
        <CodeListItem CodedValue="MSK">
                <TranslatedText xml:lang="en">masked<>Masked</TranslatedText>
        <CodeListItem CodedValue="NAV">
                <TranslatedText>temporarily<TranslatedText>Temporarily unavailable</TranslatedText>
        <CodeListItem CodedValue="NI">
                <TranslatedText>No Data Present</TranslatedText>
        <Coding Code="V3 Null Flavor Value Set" System=""
            SystemName="v3.NullFlavor" SystemVersion="2018-08-12"/>


The CodeList definition uses an  ExternalCodeList element to identify the dictionary and version.  The Coding element provides the URI for the HL7 Null Flavor ValuelistValue Set.   

Code Block
titleNull Flavors Complete Codelist Definition
<MetaDataVersion OID="ODMV2.NF.EX2.MDV">
    <!-- Study Event, ItemGroup and Item definitions not shown -->
    <CodeList OID="STUDY.CL.NullReasonCodelist" Name="NullFlavorValueSubset" DataType="text">
        <ExternalCodeList Dictionary="HL7 Null Flavor Value Set" Version="2018-08-12"/>
        <Coding Code="V3 Null Flavor Value Set" System=""
            SystemName="v3.NullFlavor" SystemVersion="2018-08-12"/>

The ClinicalData element illustrates use of Null Flavor Annotation for an ItemGroupData (form) where no clinical data is included; i.e, not present in the data.  The Flag element within the Annotation provides the null value code NI. The Annotation element appears following the AuditRecord element. 
