Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.



December 8th

Sprint 22 (2021)

  • Make request against Conformance Rules Generator
  • HTTP trigger added to rule pipeline
  • The rule editor can display Json version of YAML rules that can be interpreted by the rule engine
  • Authors can select and upload test data to be submitted to the CORE engine
  • Authoring unit testing pane
  • Disable the ability to delete rules created by other authors
  • Rules generator processes rules using new schema
  • Allow authors to view rule unit test results
  • Async functions do not try to make updates to unmounted components
  •  RULE EDITOR 1.3
December 15th
  •  Release enabling unit test steps 1 through 4 of 5
  •  RULE EDITOR 1.3.1 

January 7th

Sprint 23 (2021)

  • Provide authors a way to execute rules against test data
  • Rule editor submits a request with a rule Json and test data, and receives a response with the results
  • Distinguish between Pass with errors and Fail with Errors
  • Set Prod Environment Variables
  • Release rule editor with testing functionality to production
  •  Rule Editor 1.3.2

Unit testing bug fixes

January 26th

Sprint 2 (2022)

  • Send test data using user-defined datatypes instead of Excel's autoguess types
  • Fix bug "Large test datasets crash the system"
  •  RULE EDITOR 1.4

Publish Rules

February 11th

Sprint 3 (2022)

  • Allow authors to publish rules
  • Update generator to properly handle publish rules
  • Fix bug "Test data variables with string length cause an error"
  • Schema - Update rule types structure
  • Schema - "Domain Existence Check" vs "Domain Presence Check"
  • Schema - enforce Core.Id pattern
  • Schema - Harden References
  • Schema - Add functionality for merges
  • Create a domain name for test dataset SUPP, RELREC, RELSUB
  • Allow Authenticated User to Administer Content under Node in Prod
  • Documentation - How to setup Sharepoint/Onedrive test folder locally
  •  RULE EDITOR 1.4.1

  • Generator - Update Rule Types structure
  • Generator - Add ability to match Datasets
  • Fix bug "Generator - Handle non-ascii characters"
  •  RULE EDITOR 1.5

New storage environment

  • Determine new storage environment
  • Set up connection to new storage environment
  • Add new storage environment functionality to Authoring tool API and UI
  • Add Auth/Auth to new storage environment
  • Deletes should do soft deletes instead of permanent deletes
  • Export button
  •  RULE EDITOR 1.6

  • Debounce modified rule and resize updates
  • Memoize dataservice calls
  • Determine Unit Test data storage method
  • Link rules to test data files
  • Link rules to test results
  • When a rule is deleted the test data and results is deleted
