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The CRF preprinted "Examiner" (i.e., administrator performing the evaluation) and preprinted " Interviewee” (i.e., respondent providing responses) are represented in SUPPRS. The collected interviewees listed at the top of the CRF are a more detailed representation of the interviewees listed in the Comparison of Symptom Ratings from All Sources section on page 1 of the CRF. This is represented with the QNAM = "RSPPRRES". The "Other (specify):" interviewee is represented in SUPPRS with the QNAM = "RSOTHRSP", QLABEL = "Other Respondent specify" and QVAL = "TEACHER" in this example. The "When Sleep Disturbance Occurs" in RSTESTCD = "CDRS104", 3 SUPPRS variables are needed to indicate the "all that apply" results with QNAM = " RSSLPDS1"," RSSLPDS2", and" RSSLPDS3". The "Type of Appetite Disturbance" is also a non-standard variable related to RSTESTCD = "CDRS105" and represented in SUPPRS with QNAM = "RSAPPDST", respectively.