Define-XML 2.1.0 define-enumerations schema as developed by the CDISC Data Exchange Standards Team
Schema version 2.1.0
Enumeration Reference
Name | Description [NCI Code] | Type | Extensible | Permitted Values [NCI Code] |
ODMContext | Context in which the Define-XML document is used. | Enumeration | No | 'Submission' 'Other' |
DefineVersion | Version of Define-XML that the file conforms to. | Enumeration | No | '2.1.0' |
ItemGroupClass | General observation class. Defined by CDISC/NCI GNRLOBSC (General Observation Class) [C103329] | Enumeration | No | 'ADAM OTHER' [C103375] 'BASIC DATA STRUCTURE' [C103371] 'EVENTS' [C103372] 'FINDINGS' [C103373] 'FINDINGS ABOUT' [C135396] 'INTEGRATED BASIC DATA STRUCTURE' [C132357] 'INTEGRATED OCCURRENCE DATA STRUCTURE' [C132358] 'INTEGRATED SUBJECT LEVEL' [C132359] 'INTERVENTIONS' [C103374] 'OCCURRENCE DATA STRUCTURE' [C123454] 'RELATIONSHIP' [C103376] 'SPECIAL PURPOSE' [C103377] 'STUDY REFERENCE' [C147271] 'SUBJECT LEVEL ANALYSIS DATASET' [C103378] 'TRIAL DESIGN' [C103379] |
ItemGroupSubClass | Sub class of a general observation class. To be defined by CDISC/NCI | Enumeration | No | 'TIME-TO-EVENT' 'ADVERSE EVENT' |
ItemGroupClassSubClass | Sub class of a general observation class. Union of ItemGroupClass and ItemGroupSubClass | Enumeration | No | def:ItemGroupClass def:ItemGroupSubClass |
OriginType | Type of origin. | Enumeration | No | 'Assigned' 'Collected' 'Derived' 'Not Available' 'Predecessor' 'Protocol' |
OriginSource | Source of origin. | Enumeration | No | 'Investigator' 'Sponsor' 'Subject' 'Vendor' |
PDFPageType | Type of PDF reference (Physical reference or named destination). | Enumeration | No | 'NamedDestination' 'PhysicalRef' |
StandardName | Name of Standard (Extensible). | Enumeration | Yes (odm:text) | 'ADaMIG' 'CDISC/NCI' 'SDTMIG' 'SDTMIG-AP' 'SDTMIG-MD' 'SDTMIG-PGx' 'SENDIG' 'SENDIG-DART' |
StandardPublishingSet | Set of pulished files of Standard when Type="CT" (e.g. ADaM, CDASH, SDTM, SEND, ...) (Extensible). | Enumeration | Yes (odm:text) | 'ADaM' 'CDASH' 'COA' 'QRS' 'QS' 'SDTM' 'SEND' |
StandardStatus | Status of Standard. | Enumeration | No | 'Draft' 'Provisional' 'Final' |
StandardType | Type of Standard (Extensible). | Enumeration | Yes (odm:text) | 'CT' 'IG' |
ExternalCodeListDictionary | Dictionary Name (Extensible). Defined by CDISC/NCI DICTNAM (Dictionary Name) [C66788] | Enumeration | Yes (odm:text) | 'COSTART' [C49471] 'ICD' [C49474] 'LOINC' [C49476] 'MEDDRA' [C43820] 'SNOMED' [C53489] 'WHOART' [C49468] 'WHODD' [C49475] |
YesOnly | Yes Response. | Enumeration | No | 'Yes' |