I BE - allows us to record events about biospecimen events - collection, handling, storage, preparation, etc. The original use case was for DNA extraction. Interpretation of the results is dependent on sample quality, storage length, BECAT codelist: listed as a codelist in the PGxIG but never created/published in CDISC CT. --CAT is generally not controlled but there are CAT codelists. Question for team members - Is it worthwhile to create the codelist (a. since the PGx IG commands it?) Question for team members - Is it better to put the codelist on the list for removal when BE and BS get moved to SDTMIG? Sue - would need to talk to her SMEs Phil - It may be worthwhile controlling because shipping temp may be different than storage temp and we'd need to pre-coordinate w/o CAT Craig - Thinks it would be a good idea to control it so that everyone does it the same way DebR - feels that CAT and SCAT are there for programmers and should stay uncontrolled to allow sponsor flexibility BECAT - COLLECTION, TRANSPORT, STORAGE, PREPARATION vs TRANSFORMATION? (preparation can be done in 2 phases; one prep to transform one specimen into another, one prep to prepare the specimen for assay) -Concept map and codetable mapping docs may be helpful IF we choose to control BECAT. -Phil to provide the HL7 'orders and observations' for biospecimens. BELOC would be used specifically for identifying where from the body you got the biospecimen. All examples that Phil remembers are for collection and deal with the primary specimen being collected. Where is the information about why type of specimen you collected (tissue, fluid, etc.)? SPEC not currently in domain, REFID is the only place currently where you could link to another domain that describes the specimen type, otherwise we may want to consider putting LINKID in the domain as well. Also, we may need to distinguish between the specimen you collected versus the specimen that is ultimately derived from the collected specimen. What about specimen condition? Currently in LB domain but is this more appropriate for BE/BS domains? Remember LB came way before BE and BS. There may be some things in LB that may need to be moved to BE/BS. II BS - allows us to record findings collected during biospecimen processing - e.g., DNA extraction (purity, quality, etc.) Logically if you have a BS dataset, you also need a BE dataset - you need an event to anchor the finding. Terminology published - BSTEST-CD codelist, The specimen condition variable is in use in LB domain as a test cancellation reason. Would it be useful as a BSTEST? BSCAT is identified as a published codelist but we haven't published BSCAT for the reasons above. Possibly values - MEASUREMENT, QUALITY, etc. Phil suggests something interesting - perhaps the BSCAT value should contain teh BECAT value so that one can identify which event the BSTEST value is referring to. SPECCOND - The BSSPCCND variable is available for use in the BS domain. May negate the need to have it in BE domain. Next Steps: Look at current in-progress TAUGs and see if anyone has BE/BS terminology needs. Action: Deb to look through the all TAUG example spreadsheet to identify TAUGs with BE/BS terminology examples.