Meeting Notes:

DateAgenda ItemNotesAction ItemAdditional Files


(Jordan to lead meeting as Erin is out.)

CT Question from Nik Pemble:

I was reconciling recent CDISC CT releases against our dictionary and I saw that Creatinine Clearance Estimated has been created. I was wondering where this comes from. I am assuming that CREATCLR will be used for direct measures and that CRTCLRE will be used for estimates using formulae (such as Cockcroft-Gault).
I know it is also possible to adjust creatinine clearance results for BSA……and it is possible to adjust a direct measure as well as an estimate. So I am assuming then that the idea of Creatinine Clearance Est. Adj for BSA also exists in addition to Creatinine Clearance Adjusted for BSA.
Then I started thinking about the GFR….which can be measure directly or calculated with an equation….can be adjusted for BSA or not and can be estimated using a bunch of different markers (CREAT/CYS-C etc). For GFR, we do not make the distinction between estimated and direct in the test code.

GFRBSB2M GFR from B-2 Microglobulin Adj for BSA A measurement of the glomerular filtration rate (GFR) based on the clearance of beta-2 microglobulin after adjusting it for the body surface area.
GFRBSCCC GFR from Cystatin C and Creat Adj BSA An estimation of the glomerular filtration rate adjusted for body surface area based on cystatin C and creatinine.

I may have missed the call where this was discussed. Guessing everybody is okay with this. Just wanted to double check though.


Rows 67-70 (CDISC-3339)

Rows 71-79 (CDISC-3354-3393)

Rows 80-85 (CDISC-3409)


Part I (8:30-9:45) - Jordan review the MB team's request to create a new variable 'BTAR' and team will discuss whether it has utility in LB domain. See Janssen request and use case in emails. Ine and Kathleen joined us to discuss their use case for LB.

Part II (9:45-10:30) - MITS-CD open requests from SharonB.

Jordan Li to write up final decision; team choose the second option, making use of TSTDTL.

Working Files:

  File Modified
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet Lab_controlled_terminology_Package_36_DRAFT_2018-06-20.xlsx Jun 20, 2018 by Craig M. Zwickl
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet Lab_controlled_terminology_Package_36_DRAFT_2018-06-20_cz.xlsx Jun 24, 2018 by Craig M. Zwickl
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet Lab_controlled_terminology_Package_36_DRAFT_2018-06-27.xlsx Jun 27, 2018 by Erin Muhlbradt
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet Lab_controlled_terminology_Package_36_DRAFT_2018-06-27_cz.xlsx Jul 01, 2018 by Craig M. Zwickl
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet Lab_controlled_terminology_Package_36_DRAFT_2018-06-27_cz_cz.xlsx Jul 08, 2018 by Craig M. Zwickl
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet Lab_controlled_terminology_Package_36_DRAFT_2018-06-27_cz_cz_em.xlsx Jul 11, 2018 by Erin Muhlbradt
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet Lab_controlled_terminology_Package_36_DRAFT_2018-07-11.xlsx Jul 11, 2018 by Erin Muhlbradt
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet Lab_controlled_terminology_Package_36_DRAFT_2018-07-11_em.xlsx Jul 13, 2018 by Erin Muhlbradt
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet Lab_controlled_terminology_Package_36_DRAFT_2018-07-11_em_cz.xlsx Jul 15, 2018 by Craig M. Zwickl
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet Lab_controlled_terminology_Package_36_DRAFT_2018-07-18.xlsx Jul 18, 2018 by Erin Muhlbradt
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet Lab_controlled_terminology_Package_36_DRAFT_2018-07-18_em.xlsx Jul 20, 2018 by Erin Muhlbradt
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet Lab_controlled_terminology_Package_36_DRAFT_2018-07-18_em_cz.xlsx Jul 22, 2018 by Craig M. Zwickl
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet Lab_controlled_terminology_Package_36_DRAFT_2018-07-25.xlsx Jul 25, 2018 by Erin Muhlbradt
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet Lab_controlled_terminology_Package_36_DRAFT_2018-07-25_cz.xlsx Jul 28, 2018 by Craig M. Zwickl
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet Lab_controlled_terminology_Package_36_DRAFT_2018-08-01.xlsx Aug 01, 2018 by Erin Muhlbradt
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet Lab_controlled_terminology_Package_36_DRAFT_2018-08-08.xlsx Aug 08, 2018 by Erin Muhlbradt
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet Lab_controlled_terminology_Package_36_DRAFT_2018-08-08_em.xlsx Aug 08, 2018 by Erin Muhlbradt
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet Lab_controlled_terminology_Package_36_DRAFT_2018-08-08_em_cz.xlsx Aug 12, 2018 by Craig M. Zwickl
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet Lab_controlled_terminology_Package_36_DRAFT_2018-08-08_em_cz_JL.xlsx Aug 14, 2018 by Jordan Li
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet Lab_controlled_terminology_Package_36_DRAFT_2018-08-15.xlsx Aug 15, 2018 by Jordan Li
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet Lab_controlled_terminology_Package_36_DRAFT_2018-08-15_em.xlsx Aug 20, 2018 by Erin Muhlbradt
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet Lab_controlled_terminology_Package_36_DRAFT_2018-08-15_em_em.xlsx Aug 21, 2018 by Erin Muhlbradt
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet Lab_controlled_terminology_Package_36_DRAFT_2018-08-22.xlsx Aug 22, 2018 by Erin Muhlbradt
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet Lab_controlled_terminology_Package_36_DRAFT_2018-08-22_cz.xlsx Aug 27, 2018 by Craig M. Zwickl
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet Lab_controlled_terminology_Package_36_DRAFT_2018-08-29.xlsx Aug 29, 2018 by Erin Muhlbradt
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet Lab_controlled_terminology_Package_36_DRAFT_2018-08-29_em.xlsx Aug 31, 2018 by Erin Muhlbradt
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet Lab_controlled_terminology_Package_36_DRAFT_2018-08-29_em_cz.xlsx Sep 04, 2018 by Craig M. Zwickl
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet Lab_controlled_terminology_Package_36_DRAFT_2018-09-05.xlsx Sep 05, 2018 by Erin Muhlbradt
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet Lab_controlled_terminology_Package_36_DRAFT_2018-09-05_em.xlsx Sep 06, 2018 by Erin Muhlbradt